Giving thanks for "By the Will of the Gods"

There are a bunch of people I'd like to thank for reading my first sci-fi submission, given how clunky it was. Naturally, I'd like to first thank the editor of Analog, Trevor Quachri, for thinking it worthy of acceptance.

A bunch of old friends had some kind and constructive words to say — Constantine Mountrakis, Emma Salo, Joven Carandang, Leah Schnelbach and Ryan Phelan. Christophe Maso of the Brooklyn Speculative Fiction Writers group welcomed me into his home for hours to talk with me about my work. And while I didn't find the Critters Writers Workshop especially helpful, Rebecca Wilcox there was very nice, which was definitely appreciated given how often my submission got rejected.

Geoff Landis was very supportive and insightful, and it was always good to get approval from a major pro in the field. My old partner in crime, Lou Mazzella, had some great ideas that led to a scene that helped fix some major problems with the structure of the initial draft.

Tara North, no mean writer herself, probably provided the most analysis and most constructive criticism. The story probably owes the most to her, for which I thank her greatly.

And last but not least, I'm always going to thank my first reader, my beloved wife Sarah Fecht.